World Community Service Centre

Research & Development


Today’s world is facing various kinds of problems and challenges at various levels. This is not due to the Nature but mainly due to man’s misunderstandings and misconceptions. In the absence of a scientific approach, the various shades of religions have divided the people thus depriving them of their ability to love others. In the absence of a coherent and philosophical base, science is full of basic problems begging for fundamental solutions; likewise, technology has been used more for destructive purposes rather than for constructive purposes.

We must strive for a cultural evolution to suit the practical needs of the modern age. There are innumerable rituals and dogmas followed today. Due to the natural course of cultural evolution life is constantly changing. Therefore, all rituals and other concepts are to be frequently analysed and reformed.

Nature has gifted mankind with the Sixth Sense, an inquisitive mind, the ability and power to create, discover, invent and transform. The Research and Development (R&D) Wing of WCSC, harnesses the power of the human intelligence to create a unique symphony of Science and Vethathirium adopting a different approach. It aims to create innovative revolution using India’s rich Ancient Knowledge to suit the current times and to make our World a Global Peace land.


The projects and research undertaken by R&D Wing of WCSC are oriented towards World transforming Vethathirian Principles.





Research Academy

Research Academy



Committees and trust under WCSC for Research

  1. In the year 1984, “Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi founded the “Vethathiri Maharishi Kundalini Yoga and KayaKalpa Research Foundation” (VMKYKKRF)”, a Research Wing of WCSC for intense and in-depth research
  2. In 1998 the ‘Brain Trust’ was established to bring together intellectuals of various fields to discuss the compelling issues facing mankind and work towards solutions for bringing about peace and harmony to the individual and to the world at large.
  3. As desired by. Vethathiri Maharishi, a Committee for the Theory of Unified Force and Animation (CUFA) was formed to carry out research in Science and Philosophy, bring out the secret codes of the Ultimate Source and its manifestation as Universe with all its diversities as inanimate and animate beings. He is one of the few Spiritualists who voluntarily put his theories to be considered for research from diverse angles of Philosophy, Science, Psychology, Religion, Logic etc. with the idea of bringing out a holistic understanding of Nature and also to find practical solutions to the problems of the world.

Story of CUFA, a Scientific Conglomerate

On 14th August 1994, on the occasion of Maharishi’s birthday, C.U.F.A was formally announced. A group of twenty College Professors with the blessings of Maharishi had a first meeting on discussing the scientific concepts of Vethathiri model of Universe. On relating with the present science, The Committee found lots of differences between Maharishi’s revelations and the concepts held in the present Science.

A few examples:

Present science says Earth is attracting a stone. But Vethathiri science says that it is not the attraction between the Earth and the stone, but it is the self-compressive force of the Absolute Space surrounding the earth and the stone that is compressing both of them.

Present science explains that the property of an object is based on the energy particles contained in it, whereas Vethathiri Science states that the property of an object is based on the magnetic waves between the energy particles.

Through continuous discussions, the CUFA committee found that the Vethathirian Science is coming out with entirely different dimensions to fill the gaps in Science.

On discussing closely with Vethathiri Maharishi, the CUFA committee found a truth that “He is taller than what he looks and greater than what he writes”. He nicely builds a bridge between Science and Religion. His findings give solutions to all fields from living science to Universe. CUFA further expanded to form sub committees for doing more research in the fields of Philosophy, Physics, and Biology etc.…

In 1995, on the day of Deepavali festival, CUFA committee expressed a wish to Maharishi for naming energy particles like Electron, Proton, Neutron in terms of “Yogon” and “Vethon”, the names they proposed for the conceptual particles proposed by Maharishi. As Vivekananda quotes, “Sages will declare the noblest truth to the mankind without any fear or favor”, Vethathiri Maharishi’s findings also were such Truths which gave lots of works to researchers for conducting research in diverse and interrelated fields.

Vethathiri Maharishi has presented his philosophy and science to many universities:

1. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
2. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
3. Rutgers University, New Jersey
4. Kalamazoo, Michigan
5. University of Mississippi, Oxford
6. Colorado University, Fort Collins and Boulder
7. Chonnam University, South Korea

In 1996, CUFA committee was able to present a paper on Relative Theory of Einstein at Imperial College of London.

“Where Einstein ends, Maharishi starts. It is a perfect relay race.”

Vethathiri Science brings a new concept to fill the gap in the Sciences. While Science was talking about the Gravitational or Attractive Force, it was not able to explain about any counterpart to it. Maharishi fills the gap by proposing the two forces:

Self-compressive Surrounding pressure force and the Repulsive Force

According to Vethathirian Philosophy,

“Universe is nothing but Repulsive force and its fluctuations”

Another path breaking definition is “Consciousness is order of function in everything, everywhere”. Science is yet to go deep into the concept of Consciousness.

Story of CUFA, a Scientific Conglomerate

A three-day world Conference was organized by the Brain Trust in the year 2002 on the eve of Maharishi’s 91st Birthday where leaders from diverse fields, inclusive of Science to find out unified solutions for problems of human society. The idea is to find unification not only among the physical world but also to see how every field is nothing but the manifestation of the one Great Force.

Another path breaking definition is “Consciousness is order of function in everything, everywhere”. Science is yet to go deep into the concept of Consciousness. Vethathiri Maharishi, realized the Truth as Universal Being and it’s all pervading nature. He was able to recognize the Almighty principle, THE UNIFIED FORCE. Read more about this is in the book Unified Force.

SKY Research Centre

Various research projects are conducted related to a benefits of SKY practices and teaching in addition to the scientific concepts of SKY.

Vethathiri Maharishi

“For Truth -Seekers, blessing is a wonderful technique for harmonising thoughts. At the time of blessings, the vibrating wave permeates the cells, the very core of one’s being, and it spreads out enveloping all the individuals in the vicinity, whether related to the thoughts or not”

The significant project of the SKY Research Centre

Project Grant by Give2Asia

Benefits of Positive Thoughts – Effect of Thought transaction on ‘Okra’ yield (Crop Plants)

Vethathiri Maharishi has given us in detail the scientific, logical, practical usages and benefits of Positive Thought patterns.

Wave theory, is a scientific concept about the impact of thoughts, words and actions, through five stages of clash, reflection, refraction, penetration and interaction. This is explained in depth in Project Okra, a project on Okra Agri Plants which has successfully proven the interlink between Positive Waves and Improved Yield.

sky research

Outcome of the Project:

  1. Okra plants (Abelmoschus esculents L) respond positively to thought transaction (Blessings) at low mental frequency (theta range – 5 to 4 cycles per second), 60 to 120% increased yield over untreated control.
  2. This finding will enhance food production and mitigate environmental pollution and eliminate health hazards.

Impact of this Project for common good:

In current times, one of the most life-threatening Dangerous Pollution is THOUGHT POLLUTION. This project scientifically proves the importance of Positive Thoughts and its far-reaching effect on one aspect of society i.e. Positive Thoughts have on Okra plants. This phenomenal tool can be implemented throughout the Agricultural sector, elevating the standard of living of our farmers by increasing their yield and help to reduce the fear during droughts and famine.

The success of this project has opened new avenues for metamorphosis in Humans too. Auto suggestions and Power of positive thinking is no more only a spiritual philosophy, rather this project proves the impact it has through scientific derivations.

Experiment 1

“Bio prospecting the scientific principles on the use of Bio – Electromagnetic Energy as new paradigm in improving soil health, crop production and drought resistance”


Bhendi (Okra) Abelmoschus esculentus L.


Randomized Replicated Design.

No of Replications:

Three (3)

No of Treatments:

Six (6)

Treatments Details:

  • T1 Thought transaction for 2mts.
  • T2 Thought transaction for 5mts
  • T3 Thought transaction for 5mts + Panchakavyam* 3% spray
  • T4 Thought transaction for 2m + Panchakavyam 3% spray.
  • T5 Panchakavyam 3% spray alone
  • T6 Untreated Control
* Panchagavyam a cow product

Results: Experiment 1

Salient Findings:

Plants respond well to thought transaction in low mental frequency. The growth and the mean yield increased to 121%. Panchagavya, being a natural product, was found to enhance the growth and mean yield by 68%. There was no significant difference in mean yield between thought transaction alone and in combination with Panchagavya.

Natural enemies against pests and diseases multiplied naturally in the crop environment there by the pests multiplication was checked without using any chemical fertilizer or pesticides.

The above two findings are very significant in their potential impact to enhance food production safely free from pesticides residues, mitigating environmental pollution and eliminating health hazards due to current practices of chemical agriculture.

sky research paper
sky research paper

Experiment 2

“Bio prospecting the scientific principles on the use of Bio – Electromagnetic Energy as new paradigm in improving soil health, crop production and drought resistance”


  • To field test the effect of Bio – EM principles using thought transaction in “Theta frequency” in improving food production.
  • To test the efficacy of Bio – EM and Panchakavya on their feasibility and adaptability in improving food production.
  • To test the efficacy of Bio – EM with 50% reduced irrigation in increasing food production and drought tolerance.
  • To evaluate the effect of Panchakavya on crop productivity and quality of the produce.


Seven (7)


Three (3)

Treatments Details:

  • Bio – EM 5mts.
  • Panchakavyam 3% spray.
  • Bio – EM + Panchakavyam 3% spray
  • Bio – EM + Alternate Irrigation.
  • Alternate Irrigation.
  • Recommended Fert. Dose
  • Control (Untreated).
sky research paper

Salient Findings:

  • Bio – Em with Panchakavya (3%) recorded the highest value for bio metric, yield and quality parameters followed by the Bio – Em and Recommended dose of fertilizers Viz.,200:100kg NPK./ha.
  • Bio – Em alone produced fruit yield almost equal to the treatment of recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) but significantly higher than control.
  • Bio – Em found to influence the efficiency of water use thereby enhancing the drought tolerance apart from giving higher yield and improved bio metric parameters compared to 50% reduced irrigation alone.
To know more about the Research and outcomes of the above project reach out to:-

Dr. S. Letchoumanane,
Director, Research & Development,
Temple of Consciousness, Arutperumjothi Nagar,
Aliyar – 642 101. Pollachi. Coimbatore (District),
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: + 91 944 332 5514
E-mail: |

Videos about Effect of Bio-EM (Effect of thought waves) video links:

Media Gallery

sky research paper

WCSC President SKM.Maeilanandhan (3rd from left) visiting the Experimental site with his Directors

sky research paper

Scientists for Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore inspecting the experiment

sky research paper

Dr.S Letchoumanane (Project Leader) passing “thought waves” as “Bio-Em” wishing a good crop and yield on selected plots of Okra

Traditional rituals being performed before the start of sowing. Workers offering prayers to “Nature” for a prosperous crop. Dr. K Shoba, Project leader and other scientists attend the ceremony.

Health Research

WCSC’s Research wing through Residential and Village Health camps conducts various in depth research in three dimensional facets of Mind, Body and Soul.

Few of the outcomes of the Health Research, impacts and benefits of SKY practices are stated below:-

  • Stress-The Serial Killer – SKY Practices and its effect on Hormones.

The body produces four primary chemicals in the brain which affects happiness: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. Stress in thinking/perceiving/reacting is the single capsuled toxin which affects the health of an individual. For successful and happy life, balance should prevail between these hormones and they should be produced adequately.

Regular practices of SKY techniques helps in overcoming all kind of stress to a great extent. Our mind and body feel under stress, mainly because of the structure of modern life, and huge sections of the population are suffering from work overload. There are ways to press reboot through simple, well structured, tailor made programs in SKY practices.

  • Super Standard Model- Science’s Biggest Mystery – God Particle and Origin/Expansion of the Universe

Origin of the Universe, the Big Bang Theory and multiple theories have been unravelled by various scholars to understand the secrets behind the Universe and its functioning. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi, through his psychic practices, introspection and analysis has given the world a profound, scientific and simple theory of the Universe.

  • Vethathirian Model of the Universe

Vethathirian Model of the Universe enables a layman to understand the functioning of the universe, origin of dust particles, the process of evolution, and the impact of animalistic characters has on humans in addition to the unfailing Nature’s law of nature-Cause and Effect

SKY, approaches Nature’s law of-“cause and effect”, scientifically and simplifies this complex Karma theory to:

  • Accept their situation
  • Empowers them to find solutions
  • Improve interpersonal relationship
  • Creates harmonious environment at office and at home
  • Enables every individual to lead a prosperous life

Kayakalpa Yoga – A powerful practice with multi-faceted Health benefits

(Antiaging, prolonging youthfulness, immortality, controls chronic disease etc.)

Kayakalpa Yoga, a powerful practice devised by the sages of South India, called “Siddhas”, was simplified by Vethathiri Maharishi after two decades of research and analysis. “Kaya” means body and “Kalpa” means immortality. He unravelled the secrets of prolonged youthfulness, Anti-Ageing, improving immune system and having robust physical and Mental Health.

In the year 1984, Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi founded the “Vethathiri Maharishi Kundalini Yoga and KayaKalpa Research Foundation” (VMKYKKRF), a Research Wing of WCSC for intense and in-depth research.

Ongoing Intensive researches are being conducted on impact of SKY practices-Kayakalpa and its transformations.

  • World Epidemic –Diabetes is the most prevailing condition around the world, especially in India. Through Kayakalpa and SKY yoga, this lifestyle condition can be prevented and controlled. Diabetes control movement (Yoga Based Lifestyle Module) is an ongoing project with collaboration of S-VYASA University, Bangalore.   To view Research Paper Click here
  • Ageing & Obesity – The burning problems of modern society includes rapid aging among the World’s population and rising cases of Obesity from infants to aged. Kayakalpa and SKY practices helps to beat obesity and slow down the ageing process. Research in the Physiological and Psychological study – Role of Mitochondria in KayaKalpa Mediated Antiaging, collaborated with Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) Project – Extensive research is being conducted for the Border Forces of India in collaboration with the DRDO. The outcome of this research will help the Border Forces to withstand the extreme and excruciating weatherconditions, using SKY Practices. It will enable them to maintain Physical health and mental stability under these extreme conditions.


Under the innovative umbrella of Department of Research and Development, there are number of in-depth research papers and journals are blossoming in WCSC. These aim to create a global revolution through the teachings of Vethathirium.

WCSC provides abundant opportunities for eager minds towards research and innovation. It provides a strong foundation by providing world class infrastructure equipped with state-of-the-art technology. The aspirants are encouraged, guided and provided facilities to prepare and submit major projects for funding agencies.

Patents and Publications: Twenty-three patents have been registered of the SKY Yoga books and 101 books are in pipeline. Over 50 books have been published on various topics.

sky research paper

  • Four Doctorates have been awarded and close to twenty-five thesis are in the pipeline. The members are encouraged to publish research papers in reputed journals. Over the years 186 papers are published in National and International journals, with an Average impact Factor of 1.432 and 187 Scopus Index Journals.
  • Around 281 scholars in various Universities under Yoga for Human Excellence. So far 80 papers have been published in research journals.

With its cutting-edge research, WCSC R&D wing, brings together a vast community of scholars creating a platform for like-minded to transform their ideas into success and develop their potential.

DR.APJ Abdul Kalam

DR.APJ Abdul Kalam (Scientist & President of India handing over certificates to the scholars)


The Aliyar Temple of Consciousness campus has the unique distinction of having Siddha and Homeopathy along with Yoga and Naturopathy. A true AYUSH establishment with all component system.

Annual SKY Doctors Conference (SKY DOCON) – Yearly conferences are conducted with Doctors from across the panel. Allopathy, Homeopathy, Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and others come together in this conference and have a productive discussion on the various practices of each type of medicinal system. They share their ideas and best practices being followed and come up with the best possible ways to help the society and its people. The focus of SKY DOCON is on holistic healing of physical, mental and spiritual health.

The objective of the conference is to share ideas and discuss on the various method of medicines and healing. This conference focuses on lateral and innovative thinking to help mankind be free of ailments of diseases.

Nine SKY DOCON conferences have been conducted till now. 


Research & Journals

Journal: International Journal of Adapted Physical Education & Yoga

Year: March 2017

Journal: International Journal of Adapted Physical Education & Yoga

Year: Feb 2019

Journal: Review of Research

Year: May 2018


Year: Apr 2017


Year: Jul 2016


Year: Aug 2016

Journal: International Journal of Adapted Physical Education & Yoga.

Year: 2017

Journal: International Journal of Development Research

Research Article

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Development Research

Full Length Research Article

Year: 2016

Journal: Global Academic Research Journal.

Year: 2015

Journal: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education.

Year: 2016

Journal: Review Of Research.

Year: 2018

Journal: International Journal of Adapted Physical Education & Yoga.

Year: 2017

Journal: International Journal of Adapted Physical Education & Yoga.

Year: 2019

Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research.

Year: 2019

Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.

Year: 2019

Journal: International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences.

Year: 2017

Journal: International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal.

Year: 2015

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education.

Year: 2016

Journal: Review Of Research.

Year: 2018

Journal: International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education.

Year: 2019

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research.

Year: 2018

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research.

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences

Year: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews

Year: 2019

Journal: International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology

Year: 2013

Journal: International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences

Year: 2014



Desires of experiencing God through senses will never be successful. By developing your Consciousness you have to become God yourself


केवल इन्द्रियों से भगवान को अनुभव करने की इच्छा कभी सफल नही होगी। स्वयं की चैतन्यता का विकास करके ही मनुष्य को भगवान बनना पड़ता है।

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